5 Reasons Why I Wouldn’t Want to be a Teenager Today
This isn’t one of those nostalgic posts about “I remember when”, but my kids will probably accuse me of it. Obviously, there have always been challenges in raising teenagers but throw in social media, access to technology and our kids surpassing our knowledge base for certain things, and so our job as parents just got exponentially more difficult.
Life was simpler then. It’s cliche but true. And we heard it from our parents, and they heard it from their parents. The rate at which life comes at you is astounding today. You say that to your child, and it’s met with the predictable eye-roll. But it’s true. What’s even more incredible is the speed of advances not from generation to generation but instead from the gap between your eldest child to your youngest child. What will be the pace of growing up when our kids have kids? I remember getting my first cell phone when I was 21. It was a car-mounted unit that cost about a million dollars a month if you ever used it. Today, I see kids who are 8 or 9 walking around with Smartphones. It was only five or six years ago that you’d typically get your first cell phone when going into high school. Who destroyed that precedent? Fortunately, my ten year old hasn’t been giving me flack over not having a phone, but then again, does anyone have a home phone anymore?